Transparent Swatch Watch
So after I got my hands on my second yellow swatch watch gift I decided that I was a swatch super fan! I went out the next season and purchased this blue plastic swatch watch. I loved it once I saw it because of the movable dial. This was the first of that kind in my...
Atlanta 1996 Olympic Swatch Watch
The special collection 1996 Atlanta Olympic Swatch Watch is a watch I’ve been waiting to review for a while now. But there are so many details, thus it took me this long to start writing 🙂 Back when I was a little bit younger, I wasn’t into watching much of the...
Painters Watch Pallet
During my senior year in high school I received this as a gift for my graduation from my mother. My main subject in high school was Art and I planned on studying the same at Georgetown University. This watch was very special because I had never seen a watch shaped...
Relic brown leather wristwatch
My old timeless Relic brand name watch. This watch features gold plate surroundings. The emblem Relic is in the middle with a cream color and clock hands of gold. The watch dial does not include numbers but small gold markings. The watch does not have to be hand...
Orange Quartz Watch
Finally, a new review of an orange watch in my watch collection. This watch was a gift from an assistant basketball coach of mine during Christmas. She knew that I collected watches and decided to give me one. It is an orange quartz watch that has a square shaped...
Show Off Your Watch Collection Free!
Would you like to show off your watch? I’ve decided to create a watch collectors club photo group over at Flickr.com. It is free to join and really easy to upload pictures of your watches. This would could be beneficial for you in case another collector finds a watch...
France Collectible Sports Tournament Watch
I wish my memory served me well right now, but as always it DOES NOT. I received this watch in a basketball tour which I was selected as a part of the Philadelphia Belles Girls’ Basketball Club All-Star tour group. The coaches were Boo Williams and Mike Flynn. It was...
1994 Womens NCAA Final Four Watch
Well because I play basketball and I went to a basketball camp at VCU during the summer of 1994 I won this watch in some competitions. VCU hosted the 1994 NCAA Women’s Basketball Championships in 1994 that North Carolina Tarheels won. This watch is a collectible even...
Swatch Decoder Watch
I know the last few of my watch collections I’ve had consecutive Swatch Watches, but because its my favorite thats what you’re going to see 🙂 .In one of my trips overseas during my university days I had the chance to go to the Czech Republic which was AWESOME! There...
Green Guess Watch
It’s been a long time since I’ve written I know. I have been moving and changing things around in my new place. But quickly I will review my Green Guess watch. I really cannot remember how I received it and if I purchased it or not but here is a review of it. I...
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